All about me.

Photo by Alesia Kozik

From a tiny corner of the world, welcome to my little Blog. Every time you visit, I hope you feel welcomed and supported in your autism journey as a parent.

I want this Blog to feel like an old friend ready to listen and offer comforting support. In addition, I hope to build a small online community where we can share our struggles and successes.  Please contact me with any questions or topics you want me to discuss in future blog posts.

So, wherever you are in this world, may this little Blog bring comfort in knowing that you are not alone.  Join me as we Journey into Autism, together, as parents.

Who am I?

I am the mother of a 23-year-old son and a 22-year-old daughter. My daughter was diagnosed, at a very early age, with autism.  Since then, we have embarked on a journey of discovery and challenges, as a family, with my amazing husband by my side through the good and the bad times.

As a young parent, I remember the confusion and despair we felt when our daughter was diagnosed with autism.  I wished there had been an online platform that would have offered suggestions based on true-life experiences, but we found little support back then.

So, we struggled every step of our decision-making process, wondering if better options existed.  We wanted so badly to find out from other parents if the decision we were about to implement had worked for them, in the long run.

Eventually, our daughter grew up, and now, as a parent of a young adult with autism, I can share the choices and decisions we made throughout our daughter’s life in the hope that our experiences will help you in your journey.  We have lived, breathed, and made lasting decisions that have changed the course of our daughter’s life and our family’s life.

Some decisions were great, some were not, and others were bad.  I hope our family’s experiences can help you make better decisions as a parent. 

For Whom is this Blog Written?

This Blog is written for parents starting on the autism journey and those already on the journey who are looking for a small online community to share their questions, struggles, and successes.

By creating a small community of parents, we can help each other by asking questions, sharing concerns, and lifting each other up. I will try to address your concerns and questions in future blog posts. Please get in touch with me through the Contact form on my website. I am currently not on any social platforms.

Please note that I am simply a mother who is on the journey into autism, just like you. I would love to help other parents by sharing our experiences, and I hope our journey makes your life easier.

Your family’s journey may differ significantly from ours, and everyone is wonderfully unique.  I am simply trying to create a small community to share experiences, ideas, and suggestions.  As a parent, you will decide what will work best for your child.

Why Write a Blog?

My mom and dad passed away recently, within a couple of months of each other.  This loss has shaken me to my core.  I am still struggling.

However, I remember my mom always saying that if I wanted to forget my troubles, help somebody else.  So, I hope that by sharing my family’s autism journey, I can help someone out there.

If something I share makes someone’s life better, this little Blog would have been worth it.

How will the Blog work?

I will regularly add blog posts on topics related to autism that I, as a parent, struggled with or that you have mentioned in your emails to me.  I will do my best to address your questions based on my experiences.  I hope this will be helpful to you.


If you have reached this point, thank you for reading my thoughts. I hope you are inspired to join me on this journey and that I can help you in some small way.

God bless each one of you,

Journey into Autism

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